

May 18th 2015

Lou's Review

Pedigree fresh DENTAstix x7 sticks 110g

What are they?

X shaped chewy sticks designed to help shift plaque and tartar build up as part of an oral routine, the packaging boosts this is up to 80% effective and has been sceintifically proven. They are cereal based with vegetable based (and meat and animal derivatives*) with a touch of green tea extract and eucalyptus oil amongst other stuff I can't be bothered to name.

What were they like?

These had a pleasant smell and were softer than other sticks I have tried - that is a good thing as it meant I ate the whole thing rather than chewing an end and walking away never to return to it BOL
I liked these a lot, dad reckons they did help my breath (I dispute I had bad breath in the first place *folds arms*) but mom never got close enough to verify that!

Would you buy them again?

These were rebrought straight away except we got the next size up (these ones were 'small' i.e suitable for 5-10kg) as they were longer for about the same money! They are supposed to be one a day but I guess these will still be fed on a treat basis (one whenever!)


£1 for 7 sticks (110gm)

Begging Rating


This review is NOT sponsored and all trademarks etc remain the property of their respective owners.
The photos and opinions are mine.

*Isn't meat from animals?

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