Lou's Review
Bakers Rewards with tasty chicken 100g
What are they?
Oops, these are very similar to what I reviewed a few weeks ago, but are in the shapes of sticks, with small 'half hearted' grooves imprinted on them to aid breaking up into bite-sized 'reward' chunks. They are made from meat/animal derivatives 25% (equivalent to 40% rehydrated and a poor minimum of 4% chicken) blah blah blah ...
What were they like?
OK got quite excited (as per usual) about trying something new but where I relished eating the first two, I haven't touched them since (in fact there is still one on the stairs several days post review!)
Would you buy them again?
Surprisingly no, considering the brand - quite disappointed in these.
Begging Rating
Review is not sponsored
We'll take your left overs!
ReplyDeleteThe Boyz
If your trained palette does not care for those, then we won't either. Looks at Koda drooling. Well maybe one of us of would, but he snacks in the cat box when possible, too!