

August 31st 2013

Whahaha no not THAT weed
or even the other cock your leg up WEED ...
I'm on about this plant growing in the wrong place.
A weed.
It's only a tomato.
Nothing illegal BOL


August 30th 2013

pond dipping

 Looks like I'm going to fall in
that weed is a lot thicker than it looks!


August 29th 2013

Having a rest while I try to work out how to solve this grass labyrinth.


August 27th 2013

through the wire

I got my head through, so the rest of me should follow?


August 26th 2013

On top of the world!
Ok, ok, can someone please get me down?


August 25th 2013

looking RUFF!!!
Another late night!!!
I need to get some beauty sleep!!!


August 24th 2013

midnight feast!
You know that feeling of hunger as soon as your hooman's have gone to bed?
And you just cannot rest until you have had something to quell it?
Well that was me tonight!


August 23rd 2013

Walking the plank?
Dirty stop outs!
A late night walk - hence my reflective eyes!
This isn't me in peril ... well unless the lack of sleep counts BOL


August 22rd 2013

A field full of straw being dried for bedding makes a great place to hide!
Note my dirty nose!


August 21st 2013

Half cut
Harvesting is in full swing here!
I'd give 'em a paw but I'm far too busy playing 'fetch' BOL



August 19th 2013

Pond Tongue!
Eughhh! Look what's on my tongue after a dip in the water!


August 18th 2013

Third Umpire!
Watching cricket, but what I want to know is, when is it my turn to field?
I can bowl a maiden over!


August 17th 2013

See? I can sit still for 5 minutes ... seconds!
See? SEE? I can, I really can!!!



August 15th 2013

pooh sticks

 I'm waiting to see if my pooh stick is the first to appear downstream under this bridge!

The game involves dropping sticks over a bridge, upstream, and then rushing to see whose stick appears first downstream, The game was first mentioned by A.A Milne in his book The House At Pooh Corner




August 13th 2013

OMD! Get me outta here!
OK so today's vet visit was just an injection.
No biggy!
Who am I trying to pup?
OMD! As soon as I was 'dragged' into the building I was trying to head back out again!
Not even the squeaky toys, rows of dog food or my own tennis ball could calm me.
I had the 'humiliation' of being weighed
(and no I am not letting on!)
And then I met the vet. I was really nervous and even refused the food he offered!
(I know, I know! What was I thinking!)
Then came the consultation, it wasn't to bad, I just clung to the table for dear life and pretended to be invisible BOL
And the injection?
Never felt a thing!
So maybe going to the vets isn't such a bad thing?


August 12th 2013

pug in a trug?
I'm a patterdale terrier
(by definition a mixed breed)
I often get mistaken for either a border terrier or a pug!



August 10th 2013

Exploring pastures new!
None of us had been here before so today's walk was a bit of an adventure!
It was all I could do to contain my excitement as I posed for this pic as just to my left was a giant rabbit burrow!!!
Worthy of a few good sniffs indeedy BOL
We also spotted a deer bounding off in front of us
(well I admit I missed it otherwise I'd been off after it too!)


August 8th 2013

Corn dog?
It's nearly a month since we walked along here 
And now the corn, in this case wheat, is ripening!
The soil at this point was really sandy, like standing on the beach!


August 7th 2013

Bog off
So we went to the basin today; the walk we were supposed to do last week.
You are able to walk around the basin and if you are brave,
you can scramble down the steep sides to explore the middle.
I had to follow my hooman down the bank, through the overgrown vegetation that towered over both of our heads, to search for the orchids that grow there.
Sadly we were too late and they'd finished flowering
(last time we'd been too early BOL)
So we made our way through the boggy interior, like explorers, fighting our way through the dense scrub and woodland before reaching the clearer ground at the other side.
It might be clearer, with the moss growing thick (see my paws have sunk deep into it on my POTD)
but the ground is soft and often soaking wet beneath. No problem for me to negotiate although my hooman did kick up a stink when their footwear filled with water BOL
My POTD shows me standing in the moss, with water mint Mentha aquatic on either side of me.

This is a close up of it's delicate lilac flowers. 


August 6th 2013

I meer-ly want a nibble ... Simples!!!
Anyone in the UK will recognise this meercat toy and the commercial it appears in.
They will know the catchphrase off by heart and the company which is now a household name.
But ...
This infamous 'cat' is just a stuffie to me and it took a lot of willpower to stop me from ripping it to bits. Simples. BOL


August 5th 2013

Who knew I had a pet of my very own.
Meet paws.
Inspired by this piccy ...
A much better attempt than mine!
I should have at least washed my paws huh!!!



August 1st 2013

wait for me
So after yesterday's rain, today it was
hot hot hot!
Time for a long walkies!