Blaming Brody
So no dawg can be good all of the time.
We have to test the boundaries
(and I'm not talking edge-of-garden fences here!)
Push, pull ... and stretch those boundaries to their limits
Ignore those DO NOTS
(and make them into HOPE I GET AWAY WITH THISES instead)
And under the guidence of Brody
(and to make his hooman's feel not 'so alone')
I have learnt that not everything you chew on has to be food.
This is me chewing up plastic pegs I have borrowed from the wash basket
I also ADORE plastic bottle tops
Neither is particularly good for me
but that 'urge' is there
chew chew chew
(despite the antler/chew toys provided for me!)
N.B : MY hooman planted the unchewed pegs for this pic and I tried to steal away one of those too! And later, once all of those were STOLEN away from ME ... I stole a pen. Touche!!)
Bad Dogs RULE
Now can someone pass me the baby wipes, toy money, ear buds (Q Tips) et al